Friday, January 22, 2016

New Room Tour

Now that we have this brand new BEAUTIFUL art room, I wanted to take some time to show it off!
I honestly don't know who is more excited to be here- myself or the kids. (Probably me ;) )

We've lived in it for 2 weeks now, so I've found some things that work great- and others that I've already changed!

Here's some overview pictures. Then I will highlight a few different areas.

It was cloudy the day I took these pictures- you should see all the NATURAL LIGHT that comes in on sunny days! Ahh!! 

Here is the view of my board and Smart Projector. I'm loving the options I have to use it as a regular white board or to use the projector just to show my computer screen or to use the interactive features!

You might be wondering why I took a picture of the door. But I actually wanted to point out the little picture of Mona Lisa posted right next to the door. When students are in line I ask them to "Show me your Mona Lisa!" That means they strike their best Mona Lisa pose: hands in front of them, eyes forward, mouths closed, and maybe a little smile because they love art class ;) 
It works so well as a way to quiet down and focus students when they are in line!

I love having these caddies on the tables! In them I keep 4 glue bottles, 4 scissors, 4 pencils, 2 erasers, and some crayons. This keeps students from constantly having to get up to get simple supplies.
There are 4 students at each table so they know there should be enough supplies for everyone. Students also check at the end of class to make sure they've got 4, 4, and 4! 
(This trick keeps my pencils from being stolen.)

Each table's caddy is labeled with a different color. 
So I can call them by tables for different activities.

Nothing super special about our cleaning supplies- except that the students are learning great responsibility in cleaning up after themselves. I don't spend 5 minutes between each class frantically running around and cleaning the tables because the students take care of that before they leave!

We also try to keep our floors relatively clean. 
Anything to make our wonderful janitor's job easier! ;)

This just shows one of our sinks along with a sign I made about 
not giving your brush a "bad hair day". 

I LOVE THIS CABINET! It that odd? Oh well. :)
It's just great! I labeled the tubs with the different teachers names and this is where we store student artwork. This makes it easy to grab quick in between classes. If I don't have time to get them out before the students come, it's also easy to say "Hey Johnny, can you go grab your classes work?" Clearly labeled. Easy access. Love it.

My art history timeline was too long for the wall I used, so it starts around the corner here.
Also, here's a few color wheels I made using paint chips.
And another sign I made "Draw LIGHT until you've got it RIGHT!"

Here you can see the rest of my art history timeline (a few fell down and need stuck back up..oops). 
This bulletin board I focused mainly on color.
Color wheels, tints, tones, shades, and color harmonies!

I also have a schedule hanging here with the teachers names that I rotate each day. That way I always know which class is coming next.

I think I'm going to use the far right of the board for project examples, featured student work, or famous artists we are learning about. We'll see what it turns into.

This shelf is where the majority of student supplies are kept. 
Markers (thick and thin), colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk pastels, more crayons, etc..
This keeps the supplies within reach of all students!

Art jobs. The students do so well at these!
I have 4 art jobs: 
Project patrol:helps pass out/collect artwork
Materials Manager: Gets extra art materials needed that aren't already on the tables
Cleaner Sprayer: Use the spray bottles to spray the tables (3 times) when we do messy projects
Cleaner Wiper: Wipes up the sprays with a rag

Sometimes I'll adjust the responsibilities of each job as needed, but overall, these work great for us!

This is how students know what job is theirs. Fabric on the backs of their chairs! I rotate the jobs on the board so they just find their color and instantly know what their job is!

This is our reward game board! If students behave (no one gets an "X" and overall the class does well) then they get to move their game piece! I choose a student to come pick out a crayon box from the top. Inside the box there is a paper that says "move ahead 1, 2, or 3". The students then move their classes game piece to their new space. The first class to make it to the end wins an ART PARTY!!!!!!

This is the turn-in tray as well as the "No Name" bin. Pretty self explanatory.

 This file system has helped me a ton! I can easily grab a classes file as they come in. Inside I keep a seating chart and any other papers they need to use that day.

And I couldn't conlcude the tour without showing off our STUNNING display cases! 
6th grade value ribbons are currently on display.

Well- that's all I've got for you! Please feel free to contact me and ask any questions you have.

So far I am LOVING the new art room and can't wait to see everything the students create!!!

Keep Creating!
-Mrs. Hartford

Friday, January 15, 2016

Back to School- In a Brand New Room!

Wow!!! The first days of art classes in our new room have been CRAZY (the good kind)!!!

Instead of me lecturing to students about where things are located in our new room (that would bore us both) we decided to make it fun with a scavenger hunt!
The students worked in groups to find where all the supplies are located throughout the room.

The younger students couldn't do a scavenger hunt where they had to read, so instead we played some classic I Spy. Sometimes I would have them still walk around the room to find the objects.

After that we talked briefly about what a "portrait" is (always good to reinforce art vocabulary), and the students drew portraits of their partners. BUT there was a catch- the paper was taped to their partners back!

I love that a simple change such as taping paper to their back can get the students so excited! You should have heard the giggles as they examined their partners facial features, and then set to creating!

There was even an odd number of students in a few classes so I was lucky enough to participate. ;)

Such a great first few days! I can't wait to see the beautiful projects and knowledge gained from learning in this PHENOMENAL new room.

Keep Creating!
-Mrs. Hartford

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New School Welcome

I am incredibly excited to start classes at the new Napoleon Elementary School!

This is a video I am showing the students on the first day back from Christmas Break (aka the first day in the NEW SCHOOL!) It's hard to cover everything the students have done in the first half of the year. This will remind students of all that they've done, as well as get them excited about the rest of the year!

Click on the link below to see the video!

New School Welcome

Degas Ballerinas

Edgar Degas was a famous Impressionist painter. Ballerinas were arguably his most popular subject matter. 

This project took many different steps, but the patience and persistence of the students paid off in the end! The results are beautiful!

First the students created their colored coffee filter (which we would later turn into the ballerina skirt).

We colored coffee filters with markers and then sprayed the filter with a spray bottle. The marker colors bled together, creating beautiful designs for the skirts.

After spraying the filter, we squished it between 2 pieces of paper to help rid the excess water. The papers look pretty cool as well- I think they might become part of another project! ;)

The next step was to paint the ballerinas. For this we used black paint (to create a silhouette) and Q-tips! The students were challenged to use only dots when painting.

After painting their ballerinas, the students cut them out and placed them on the backgrounds.
Students could add other background details such as a stage, lights, or an audience.

Then it was time for the final step!
The students used the colored coffee filters and created thier ballerina's skirt! Some students left their skirts flat, while others gave it volume and dimension.

Keep Creating!
-Mrs. Hartford

Reflection Cities

This simple, fun project was a hit with the students!

The students used markers and a spray bottle to create these cityscapes with reflections!

Keep Creating!
-Mrs. Hartford

Cupcake and Cakes!

Wayne Thiebaud is an artist who often paints a great subject matter…DESSERTS! ;)
2nd and 3rd grade watched a video where Wayne Thiebaud talks about his artwork. T
hen we created our desserts!

The 2nd grade made cupcakes and the 3rd grade created cakes.
Both grades learned about shading and they can add white (highlight) and black (shadow) to give their drawing dimension!

2nd Grade Cupcakes:

3rd Grade Cakes:

Keep Creating!
-Mrs. Hartford